First figure i ever tried... any tips? (base will follow)
Small update of my 60P40. everything is growing awesome and algea is mostly gone.
Just live the Red Tones on this Rotala Macrandra Mini Typ 4 ☺
Grandma's garden is looking good again after a hard cut 🥰
Time for a fresh cut
Ao I think after 2 month the Ball is mostly Emersed
It's growing well. 60x40x40cm tank
A different angle for me to make photos.
Red devill on the road
What do you think about my scape?
First shots with my first camera. What do you think
First try capturing my Kap Lopez with my first camera. Well I got the Fin [OC]
Rotala Macrandra Mini Butterfly and a unknown one. Ideas?
Grandma's garden is growing well. For some reason I feel really good with this name for my tank. What do you think?
One Year Old Tank 🎂 BEFORE/AFTER
The New tank is thriving what so you think?
Who needs a closet?
My little livingroom island is growing well. Love this position.
Wasn’t sure if this is the right sub for this, but here’s paper aquatic flora :)
Say hellow to my new tank. It's now one week old and runns awesome. If you want some details kindly ask questions.
First eggs in my dragon blood tank. One month old and now I have 3 girls with eggs.
The tank got his every two week strong cut today. I can't wait until it grows back and j can cut the plants again... it's some kind of satisfying...
This color is awesome. Rotala florida 😊
Yesterday I changed the water and cutted all rd and orange plants to the bottom. But still colorful.
Buce time. Just awesome plants