Someone has a screw loose
Awwwww-boo hoo.......and that ain't no medium LOL
He’s a fisher y’all
Does she really want us to diagnose her?
What is the thought?
Tucks Wipes Ad
Consistently inconsistent
What the actual F@CK!
Water makes them sick 🤒
He does not fit the Carhart brand.
We knew the photo of White Out’s feet in shoes was coming.
Aw look
Doctor confirmed…
1/9/25 - Insta story baby haul
Not one.. some
What they tell you
1/7 updates
Update on drue
Oh Lort!! This chick is a bait whore!!
Gabe’s back and coming in hot with the surgery baiting….
“Gabes eating carbs with his”
headed to the city