Have you ever messaged your number neighbour?
What should I do?
Have you built a flatpack home in the UK?
Do men use conditioner?
What are the best UK crisps?
How easily can you make a GP appointment?
will my provisional application be denied with a small descrepency in time lived at address?
Need drawn to art
What hobbies do people do that seem insane?
What extra things should they teach kids at school?
What at home date night ideas have you got? Is there anything that can be delivered or done online that's good value for money?
2 star trades: need tycoonopolis, the beginning, drawn to art.
Looking to finish sets 2, 3 & 8.
How do people who don't live in London but have a hybrid job that requires working some days a week in a London office find it?
How does everyone dry laundry in winter?
Looking to finish sets 2, 3 and 8 in particular.
Does anybody else think FOUR of these is just unbelievably unrealistic for us average players out there?
Adding friends seems delayed
Need old tales from set 5 da vinci
LF equal trades
Looking for first stroke and furry friend
Friend got his scooter impounded for no CBT, he can't get a compound insurance because of his previous incidents, now he's asking me to get a quote for a compound insurance to get his scooter out of impound?
Are there any roads near you with a different speed limit on each side of the road?
Why do I lose my mobile data signal during a power cut?