The yearly picture has dropped 🍿
Iranian women standing in front of a hijab poster
This is not your space.
What percent of Ex-Muslims actually know about Islam?
genuinely why would you call yourself Ex- something (you hate)
Random Insta girl takes her hijab off
Guys how do I make small text and change links to have labels? (iOS)
Cousins death penalty
Not a Christian, where should I start with the bible
Caught drunk by muslim mum
Toxic mother sends me this, what can I rebuttal her with
Woman in Germany harassed for not wearing a hijab
Friend negging me to cover up
I pointed out the flaws in the Quran to my mother, showing her the specific Surah and verse. She still refused to believe it.
DAY 1 : Dopamine Detox 30 Days Challenge
I ate pork today
Iranian woman strips clothes in protest after being assaulted for improperly wearing hijab - report
PSA for Christians who lurk here: your rhetoric on the treatment of women is the same as Islam’s just done in a thoughts and prayers way 🙏🏼
Muslims are jumping her but she’s right 🤷🏽♀️
We’re broke and mum wants to go hajj
What's your craziest experience w religious people?
"Islamic countries don't represent Islam"
Why do Christians have so much sex outside marriage?
So apparently if we convert to atheist we become bird