Opinion on girlfriend going to 1-1 dinners with other guys?
Spouse isn't addicted and wants to have stuff in the house for recreational use. I think I'm an addict and struggling with this approach a lot. Please help.
România este prinsă între Putin, Trump şi Europa. Interzicerea unui candidat pro-rus ar înfuria mulţimea MAGA din America, scrie The Economist
Almost 2 weeks cold turkey
Guys, what is this used for exactly?
Mi-e teama in ce directie merge totul..
Georgescu după ce câștiga alegerile cu fraudă:
Not gonna smoke tonight ur, but I really want to….
J D Vance transmite un mesaj puternic de la München
Victor Bolojan din Bihor: prim-secretar PCR, membru al Comitetului Central al PCR, deputat, ambasador
Ponta : "Trebuie să ne luăm Țara înapoi!"
Hold up!!! Luam apărarea hipermarketurilor acum?? Let them fight
Getting frustrsted
USR se sinucide politic
I refuse to believe I need to quit
2 days clean
REM sleep on a Instinct 2
Should I try smoking in moderation or just continue being completely sober ?
La noi de ce nu se poate?
Have a couple of questions about withdrawal timelines?
Este normal sa se fumeze iarba in camine?
Post-Tattoo exhaustion? Is this normal?
Advice on ‘Normalized’ Consumption after T-Break
Quitting has 'fixed' none of the problems I thought it was causing. Now I just consistently feel shit.
Day 10: An emotional rollercoaster.