I got one of each
What's wrong with my bougainvillea
All I do is murder plants
Update: finally got him to the hospital
Parasite? Scabies? Mites?
Is it okay? I give it water once a week.
What is wrong with his knee
I bought this (29m), Should I not wear it in public?
Should I see a doctor?
If you were to come into my room, what gender and age would you think?
One of my Dracaenas died, so I chopped it at the base revealing this.
Looking For Plants!
Is this a good price?
First time getting these lol
Is there hope for my plants?
Help please
What plants have you lost this year?
Home Depot
Waiting to fetch
What does a calathea and an Echeveria have in common?
What are these? I want them bad
Is it time? Or does she need more time?
Beautiful accessory to your living space