listening to everywhere at the end of time while i trip
Feel like I’m floating
was what i did even safe?
Just drank a whole 3oz bottle of delsym never did poly b4 hows it gonna go? Should i make a trip report
DPH and Weed?
Any legal RCs in America?
This song isn’t just music—it is Koi no Yokan in every sense
What are some fun things to do on opiates?
no updates in ages then this again???
What iphone does che have?
please help ems tracking what does this mean am i seized
opiates make me so short tempered
700 mg report
Do yall actually get visuals from doing dxm??
AI Minecraft be giving off DPH vibes
Is my haul seized?????
Unshipped Parvel
should i
what’s up with new update lmao
Ugly girl with confidence
500mg time
See you fuckers in eiriel✌️
selling Che merch
Ches Latest Setlist