Not drying :(
I got an ad for the new David's Tea Collab with a good shot on the polishes!
David’s Tea Collab
Is this collar repairable by hand for a beginner?
Of course I discover Purple Slushie + Halogen Glow now 😭
My first mending attempt! Inspired by you amazing people.
Living situation advice
Cruise Nails Help!
Dark Academia Comparison Swatches
Late Checkout... do we like it?
How common are tornadoes here?
Summer Nails
I had a polish party tonight and it was so fun!
North Texas (Fort Worth area)
Point help!
Things to Do April 22-28
How do you store your fabric stash?
What’s your “I never said it was good, I said I like it” book?
Goodwill Alternatives?
Unpopular HT Opinions
i might be a little bitter on the retiring shades
Happy retirement to Fake Date and Fairy Tail!
Where is the best place to donate clothing, housewares, general stuff from purging closets?
Book Clubs for 20-30’s something female/co-ed?