Opinion on the Finale
(Skills wise) Who do you think is the better archer?
does anyone know if it’s easy/hard to find the trilogy on cd/vinyl?
While I know people weren’t huge fans of Army of the Dead, I think it’s a bummer that the animated prequel “Lost Vegas” was never completed. It had a really impressive voice cast
Couldn't Superman have...?
Snyder was the only director who gave us of the symbol which represented the House of El rather than a normal S on his suit
The best flash suit
Why did they have to animate James Gunn to be so hot in the intro
Am I the only one who actually likes this suit?
Hey guys, I don't understand. If fictional character Malcolm Merlyn could be forgiven for genocide, how is it possible that real person Hartley Sawyer couldn't be let off the hook for some few measly psychotic tweets?
Favorite Live Action Superman Suits? (Including the 80s Superboy) (I Swear I'm Not Try To Make a Low Effort Post, Just Curious To See Everyone's Favorites, Since This Sub Is Really Critical of Superman Suits)
No touchy
Above: three fit and talented men ready to give our generation the mythology we deserve. Below: just a perv and two guys
Which Batman costume do you prefer the most from this image and why?
When oh when?
Neighbors: Ahahaha he doesn't know Supergirl is Vandervoot. Since when? Just ask Tom Welling if they officially played Superman and Supergirl. Sure, they have the same story and origins but they are not the developed or established characters we knew and loved.
Met the legend himself over the weekend!! Now I’ll always look at my cowl and remember Punisher himself held it!
Unpopular opinion - anyone who complains about Ruby Rose's performance don't know what they are talking about
which fictional characters yall think listen to gd?
Best Arrowverse lead actor
What made you like Zack Snyder so much?
What Do You Think Is Green Day’s Worst Choice For A Single?
Finally something good. July looking good.
James Gunn after he puts the 70th shitty marvel joke in Superman.