I made a video about SIFU.
I have never seen such moves before!
The last time I made a full scale meme video, I was in very low trophy lobbies. This time will be a little different.
A little homage to one of the best communities I've ever had the privilege to be apart of.
This team got me to 3k trophies what’s yours ?
What a way to start the night
I might have messed up my 360s on this one
Its been a while. But I just wanted to pay respect to one of THE best communities I've ever been apart of.
Would you eat these wings?
Apparently some players don't like this look
pixel person and vector person - which is better?
I got 100% on this game and still never knew they could do that
Wow that’s such a huge gift
I swear I can't catch a break 💀
I do be streaming
how can i dunk better 6,2 15
is my vert good and could i be dunking and when
Rant: this subreddit is full of snowflakes, and hypocrits
Tips for 3 concurrent viewers
I want a clean jumper, am I extending my arms to much ?
Roast my form
To whoever this Sarge was.
Update on my 7 (now 8) year old who beat Celeste: He just beat Core!
Am I camping???
Widow is a cheap win