What’s the first melodic death metal album? 🤔
May Somebody at the Spotify Headquarters PLEASE Fix This Issue Already
Who’s your pick for the most underrated deathcore band?
What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” metal take?
Venom sucks
Other artists like Vengeance Falls Trivium
Albums You Wish Bands Made Before Changing or Breaking Up?
Bands that essentially created their subgenre?
So If You Post A Pic Of You Wearing A Metallica Shirt With A Silly Face... It Gets Removed?
What's a band that's super generic but you still absolutely love.
Why is it trendy to hate on Lorna Shore?
Metallum Shenanigans
Whats your fav song on SAF ? heres mine
The best PM song to hype you up?
For context I am a butcher
Oh look just Ana Kasparian spreading right-wing lies
Good Children of Bodom songs?
Am I the only one who doesn't get certain bands?
What's an artist that doesn't have a bad album?
Boundaries - I'd Rather Not Say
What band left you like this?
Metal takes that make you just go,
What is the heaviest bullet song?
What album has the worst cover?
Unpopular or controversial albums that you really like?