Looking for Top, Offering Below.
Looking for picture, offering below
Best 2019 Pokémon I used
Looking for this trade but wondering how much stardust it would cost? Offering the legendarys
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
My Alt keeps geting them, so have to pass luck to someone here! Giving 1 away today! 5PM EST!!!! Drop a comment which u want!
Looking for picture, offering below. Can fly, can wait till max friendship to trade for non registered Pokemons.
New to trading, check comments for more info.
Offering shiny gmax blastoise. I want a shiny bg kyurem, or other shiny location cards. Prefer if u have trinket.
LF shiny legendary offers FT guaranteed lucky shinies
Looking for below Offering below
Surely this is good enough right?
Looking for Gen 3 & 7 Legendaries in Pokeballs (GBL & Research Rewards). For Trade below:
Looking for top, offering bottom
Looking for those, offering big Pokémon’s
Looking for Top, Offering everything else
Is this worth investing
GIVEAWAY CAN FLY G MAX Kingler LF offering
Is this worth investing?
Is this worth it?
How many people actually still play the Challenge Maps?
Is this evolvable?
Looking for top/ Offering bottom
Do Your Worst, Reddit