Should I attempt to replace the LBJs of my 2001 Tacoma with very limited-to-no experience?
Anyone know where I can find the manual for my 2001 Tacoma?
Bought this medal awhile ago, looking for more info
Does pepper spray even work?
On the marvel rivals facebook group. zero context on the pic btw.
A breathtaking convergence of science and imagination: the simulated black hole’s meets the awe-inspiring reality of the first-ever captured black hole image.
POV You just killed a Leopard 2A4M player (he is not pulling up)
Can someone help tell me the cost for each of pieces of these kits if built through digital instructions from Brickmania? F-4 Phantom, A-10 Warthog, and F-14 Tomcat.
Next project preview...
Restored Imperial Shuttle
Anyone here getting the new Planebricks P-51?
Christmas haul courtesy of my amazing wife!
I gambled again and won the C.202D. 2 Vehicles from the same event now.
I just got my first real credit card besides the star card I’m 20 and I got 20k is that normal?
A Last Stand before succumbing to the infamous mortar fire
Dr. House headsculpt
Water slide decals
I'm romanian, I HAD to get this, regardless of how shitty it is
Went to an air museum and snapped some pictures with in-game vehicles. F-14 is huge!
Where can I find unit marking stickers that will fit on my panzer like Brickmania’s panzer III?
Does anyone know how they made their Stug III gun Mantlet like this?
Need help with personal “a” placement of this sentence I wrote.
how should i counter su34's when my countries top tier spaa is 9.3?
PSA: For those of you, like myself, who didn't know, you make LESS RP overall using heavier bombs on bases than you do bombing bases with lighter bombs. More bases DOES NOT equal more RP.