What's the strangest thing you've seen come through Drive thru? I'll go first. (USA)
Horrible fin rot
There are a lot of pretty bettas, show me your ugly bettas
one of my snails keeps burying itself??
fin nipping?
training???? (USA)
what should i add to Bruce’s tank?
What's that one mistake you made with your betta that you've lowkey always felt bad about ?
guppy pooping constantly
can someone identify what type of pleco this is?
How do I make my tank look better
Bloat or just a chub?
hungry Bruce
my favorite tank by far
Is it finrot??
AITA for not staying with my family?
sudden severe pain after almost 4 years -advice?
I’m a new fish owner and am worried I messed up
PH keeps shooting up to 8.4
Whats my best option
Strange genetics
Finally got my Betta. He's settling in nicely
fin rot?