What is a Flag Letter of Commendation (FLOC) worth/equal to in the Marine Corps.
Who doesn’t love a good MEU?
Looking for a battle buddy(s)
Stupid bootcamp stories!
Stories you just can't make up
Reminder to go get tested DevilDicks.
Boot stuff
Alright which one of you was it.
Vets, life after the corps
Marines obviously on roids?
What was the most improper civilian attire you've worn on-base an gotten away with?
Chat, am I cooked?
Alright gents
What happened with the boots who were getting hand tats to get kicked out?
Pimping Devils?
Well guys I did my 4 and I still don't know who the fuck Wagner is
MCB Hawaii
I know we say Aye Lcpl
Marriage with the local population
Who looked at your butthole in MEPS?
“And I dare you to say something, old ass nigga”
Happy Friday!
Longest hump
CAC Card Walk ins near Parris Island
Really? Right in front of my Lance Corporal?