Every Seth MacFarlane animated show has a recurring character inexplicably voiced by a Hollywood legend. Avery is the only one left 😕
Magneto almost kills Kitty Pryde and reveals his backstory for the first time (Uncanny X-Men #150)
Which Roger persona needs another episode?
Who else wants to see the origin story of siblings Jeannie Gold and [whispers] Ricky...Spanish...?
Love her or hate her, she's not afraid of drama.
Goro Majima renders for Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
What other cities in Japan would you like to see featured next?
Do you agree that current Rogue is liker her X men evolution counterpart. From twitter.
How Shunsui came to know unohana was a kenpachi and no peace loving medic...
There’s no such thing as Sesame Street on Ice Camp
Why is bro so zoned out? Lol
The reason why I think Aizen with glasses looks the most menacing
These geezers saw summink terrible. Summink that made them lose their words. Summink 'at even $4,000 of sunglasses counldn' fix. I charged it to a credit card I found sticking outta the gray one's arse.
With Cody being a Scorpio
Just how many illegitimate children does Mark Sloan have?
A lot of people are still looking for for this little lady
Wheels and the Legman are back!!
Stan is a big fan of the movie Norbit!
Suggested storylines for Bold and Beautiful
(No Sonic 3 Spoilers) Agent Stone says, "Toxic yaoi's the shit."
My latest art piece. Lame Uncle
Francine what are you doing in the voice over booth?
What are your thoughts on Blob now that he’s being drawn as a bearish truck driver
This scene in Thunderbolts: kill the Avengers made me so sad (artwork by me)
Am I the only one who misses Mayor Woodside? He was such a funny background character