Remedy for w/d symptom
How wellbehaved my boy is!
Maternity Photo Shoot!
our rescue only knows comfort
British & living in Bonn
Should i get a dog from this breeder as a guardian home ?
“What do you mean, our potato crop is spoiled?”
Babushkachnaya after bath
Germany is next if we don't stay vigilant and involved! Fck AfD!
As an American yes, this is exactly what is happening.
R.I.P TikTok
Babushka is preparing for a walk
Babushka staying warm through the arctic blast
Der Beste Schutz gegen HIV, Herpes und Syphilis zugleich:
I think granny can't stop thinking about gramps
Being a dad to Quintuplets
These two are too much
Someone go save this baby 😭
My rescue baby
Pibushka needs more potato for pierogi
What a weirdo!
1972, the year we met and 2024
She loved the snow
I mean, look at that face 😭
Photo dump of Maggie the weirdo 🥰❤️
8 months old, 88 pounds, and still cute as ever! ❤️