Is this legal?
did someone let their little cousin play the switch again?
How much would you pay for my car?
What's with the red sky and kinda ominous music in the hub world of Splatoon 3?
Can someone who owns these cars tell me there stats?
Aerospray G Booyah spamming
If y’all don’t like clam blitz then don’t fucking play it
mild salt but tryna get out of c rank in s2 is actual hell
I get I sucked, but how do you only get one kill?!
Holy moly get a life pls
California plate in Tokyo, Japan
You can’t make this up
When this guy KOd our whole team, my teammates and I shared a mutual “Booyah” of respect for the guy
How does anyone use the H-3 nozzle nose?
Is it possible to slim down for the summer if I start now?
Come on... Why
Weapons i DESPISE as an S+9 casual player
1,000 laps on Kyoto Driving Park - Miyabi. Done in 12 hours.
Furthest away neighbour
Name a game
dürfen Beifahrersitze ausgebaut werden?
Which weapon do you play with on handheld mode?
What's Your least favorite Splatoon weapon that gets played a lot in Competitive?
Welches Auto würdet ihr kaufen?