i Am A Mountain (Oldplay Style)
What song from MOTS doesn't deserve the hate it gets?
Coloratura + Moon Music Mash Up!
What languages are dominant in your worlds?
Since Moon Music has been out for about 3 months, what is your favorite song on the album, or has it changed since then?
What album/s would you have playing in your sleep?
Start coloratura in 23:53:24
Whatever happened to afilmforthefuture?
Favourite Coldplay song and least favourite Coldplay song
Are we gonna get music videos of any of the songs that are not singles from the album?
Solar balls theory. astro dude is simply in alternate dimension where Planets talk.
How do you name your characters?
Is there anyone in this community working on their own sci-fi web series too?
What Coldplay song is this?
What Songs by Coldplay never fail to get you up when you’re down?
Music of the Spheres is... actually good???
Order 66 lookin ahh
Music Of The Spheres (Lunar Edition)
Ob-wan dropping a sick burn
I was bored at work and this came to my mind (im truly sorry)
We Pray is the worst song on Moon Music. Time for our final vote - what’s the most underrated song from Moon Music!
What are favorite unreleased songs/demos/b-sides by Coldplay?
What’s your favorite lyrics from their songs?
Moon Music or Music of the Spheres?
What are your B-Sides by Coldplay?