Ma che scarpe sono?
Come si fa a ripetere sempre le stesse azioni per 8 ore?
Can anyone tell me how to consume a demon heart?
Duplicate cards will soon give 2000 tokens. Thoughts?
There’s something wrong with this emote…
Bull run explained
104 Alliances are the most toxic thing on this game.
Glenn and the devs disliked High Voltage. Future game modes will be less casual-friendly.
Series Drop is here!!
La mia serra punto invio okay Google cerca donne nere nude belle tette invio
In hit TV show "Real Life" (1828229 BC-current), they elected Donald Trump as the president again in Season 2024 AD. This is a reference to the fact that a surprising amount of Americans are FUCKING IDIOTS
The game everyone swears by
Can somebody send me the story where chuck gets angry cuz he can’t participate in gay porn
"tis, nothin but a scratch" ahh😭🙏 no but like seriously how!?
Torino: le persone, ormai esasperate dal continuo degrado e dallo spaccio, cercano di farsi giustizia da sole.
Mancava lo spazio per aggiungere che gli aggressori sono 2 nordafricani.
Germania: la Destra di AfD diffonde uno spot pubblicitario a favore delle espulsioni di massa, in cui piloti e hostess tedeschi portano fuori dal paese gli immigrati.
Credo di aver trovato una presunta illustrazione di Geronimo Stilton da uno di quegli eBook perduti pubblicati da CyberRead.
FYI, there is a new free event on the Nuverse Web Shop: similar to "Domino's Draw" but it's free and it's one pull each week. And yeah, the odds suck as usual
Really? Cmon
October Legendary Gauntlet: How’d it go?
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Purchase Bundles!
Lost Honour Mode…again.
Oh no