$600 fine… but but.. where’s the phone?
What are people’s take on Canada possibly becoming part of the U.S.?
Why does IOS let you disable 2FA within two weeks? Wouldn't that just sabotage your account's data?
My 1988 Honda Accord daily driver. Everything on it still works. EVERYTHING.
What was the worst encounter you've ever had with police?
Guys, who actually uses a calendar(not on their phone)?
Why are there so many firefighter inmates?
Why do people speed up to then break heavily at red lights?
What is a life hack that is a standard practice in your life?
What's your thoughts on California burning down?
I have one hundred dollars USD. I'm a single male living with a roommate and a dog. What could I buy to improve my quality of life?
What are the dumbest modification/road laws in Australia?
Bridge dreams
Cotton On returns may have spewed on my item
Anyone else miss the good old days of forums?
What graph would best represent this set of data?
whats the point of having karma?
Mod Monday! What mods did you do on the weekend?
least/most likely to get pulled over?
What is the current honey scandal?
Is it inappropriate to wear a Vietnam era green official military issued fatigué shirt?
For those that have done a re-spray at home, what size and HP compressor did you get and where did you get it from?
Are there any products that *permanently* restore black plastic trim?
Lamborghini Appears To Be Benchmarking The Hyundai Ioniq 5 N For Its First EV
Is it legal to do car work in public space?