How to get iPad screenshots to upload to AppStore?
Does OS actually matter for programming?
Worst rated dishes in the the world
34 M with NF2
Is it over for us tech bros?
Selling Qantas points
Every time
In celebration of Nikki Glaser's Golden Globes performance, here's my favourite moment of her with GiantBomb and Dan
React Native Web, worth using??
Don't know how to remove the extra padding when the TextInput overflows
Open Mobile App via App Scheme
Deep sleep (TW: miscarriage)
1990 reporter to a group of kids: Who's more famous to ya, Mickey Mouse or Super Mario?
Professions where it is common to move to another nation to earn the big $$$
Australian developers
Name of this type of UI design
I was taken advantage of by my Founder
It’s Tifa Time
Salary and mortgage both paid monthly with offset account, should I change the timing?
className definitions
Best Let's Play of OG FF7 Fans?
Curious on testing philosophy for react
Finding the root component
How can I make my api keys secure
Anyway to deep link my bluesky profile in my app