Just wanted to show off my scrap blanket I started on new years
Colostomy bag
Worst things people have asked/said because you’re in a chair?
Help identifying needed
Sapphic Spoonies Monthly Check-In
Weird to have stuffed animals at 23
Starting to think I need to be in a group home I’m tired of being a burden on my family
Reading and trying not to come
Emergency preparedness
Question(?) for other people who are cis women/afab
How many of you became addicts from the abuse you suffered?
Do you want the birthrate to drop, or are you apathetic to a drop?
How on earth are you guys affording this?
In Desperate Need of Caths
AITA for Refusing to Let My Child Share a Room With Their Step-Sibling?
Momma to a newborn with spina bifida
That's not your kid
Set of 6 baubles
Sincere & Difficult Question for those with open spina bifida and Chiari II Malformation
Has anyone here had a hysterectomy?
What’s one thing you wish you had known before playing this for the first time?
Shunt causing side pain?
Uro dynamics text for baby
what jobs do you work?
Does anyone want to be my friend? 😫