Training Setbacks and Accomplishments
Need medical advice
What parasite is it?
Neighbors mule came to say hi today
Horse books
Give me your best on the ground but slow feed type hay solutions!
A moment for the cost please
Festus the mule enjoying his 2 mile walk felt safe enough to roll in the crunchy grass
Horse Food Question
Is my boy doomed?
Protecting hooves from dragging?
Good companions for horses?
What caused this spook?
Does anyone else have a weirdo who doesn’t like apples?
How is Roger Yevs allowed to ride and show
Am I Overreacting or is this funny asf
What’s your take on round vs square bales as far as gut health/continuous forage?
How do you classify a horse as a rescue?
am i blind or could this be a sway back?
RFK Jr., the new face of health in America. God help us all
Experiencing a snow storm but this healthy mammas got a good insulated coat. Roughly 168 days until due date <3
First horse search
horses being mean
Can’t catch or touch my horse
Went out to feed and noticed these lumps on both horses, any ideas on what they are?