Countries not self identified as democratic
What is the most NSFW thing you have seen at your job?
Americans who have lived abroad, biggest reverse culture shock upon returning to the US?
"They're drinking vodka straight out of the bottle in the Kremlin tonight. "
What’s your “I can’t believe they were doing that at work” story?
What did you used to enjoy but stopped once you got older?
Pre-Marital sex broke my shelf.
How would you invest 3 million dollars so that you don't have to work, and can move out of the U.S.?
Why are people so bad at getting straight to the point?
5 Million, but you have to stay outside for 24 hours.
South Africa Just Named Elon Musk 'the worst thing to ever come out of South Africa'
South Africa passed a law that will confiscate white farmers' lands. Trump is now halting all aid to the country and will "promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees" into the US. I support both of these initiatives. We could use law-abiding and productive Afrikaners in the US.
IsItBullshit: 92% of Americans approve of DOGE
How fast can I lose weight if I drop 800-1000 calories a day?
TikToker is reportedly getting taxpayer money for not working due to social anxiety.
What seems simple and straightforward but turns out to be unexpectedly challenging?
What's your "hell no" rule in life?
I've hit my breaking point of anti American xenophobia.
You’re given $10 million, but to access it, you have to ruin someone’s life. Would you do it?
why do some private citizens (not politicians) in the USA want sovereign countries to be annexed?
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
Russel brand is the perfect example of a grifter who feel through the alt right pipeline
Does anyone know of a case where a perspective missionary was told they needed to lose weight before they could submit their papers?
Letter form the Dept of Justice to Senator Chuck Schumer.
If America's the land of the free and home of the brave, why isn't anyone free or brave enough to stop this Nazi Germany speedrun we're witnessing?