Maximum Ultimate Definitive lol
Uhmm guyss.. 😭
It's all part of the plan
Me seeing a bunch of posts of Maximum Spider-Man in not-so maximum poses:
Anti-Trans Hate Group Targets Furry Fandom
Was unlucky enough to have some small paint issues but I still love messing around with this guy
Which Design of the PS2 Do You Prefer? Fat or Slim?
Which box would you choose?
Tesco now has entertainers in store for a while and do they have sonic figures ?
What games should I get next?
Never tried anime but love JRPGs
Do you collect greatest hits(Platinum)?
We need more minifigs who are Star Wars fanboys who live in the Star Wars universe
Anyone else getting nostalgic over their childhood games?
Neo Nazi troll experiences consequences for his actions 🍷
Masashi Hamauzu is the best
Would you spend this game for $900?
Scarface reveals himself (Batman:Dark Patterns #4)
Quarter of UK population witnessed shoplifting in last 12 months, poll suggests
The rise of YouTube and Netflix means UK shows for UK audiences are dying out
Which Legends packaging style do you prefer?
This graffiti has popped up all over the city and I’m looking to do a short documentary about the creator, if anyone has any information?
Saw this video by the YouTuber "Este" on the differences between sentai and PR and found this
MMPR stuff from Prime 1 Studio announced
I’m a five dimensional deity that consumes planets to live and yours is the most pathetic one. I have ever seen, give me one reason to leave your planet alive