does anyone else feel like their stuffed animals have feelings?
tips to make plane rides more bearable?
Best Bubs flavors?
how exactly is stylé used by natives?
best burrito in town?
when to use "pour le coup" and what it means
is the entrecôte restaurant actually overrated?
Any tips for making friends who aren’t interested in speaking english?
je me fais répondre en anglais tous les jours
are you actually likely to see rats around?
Shouldn’t all of the answers correct?
Native French Speakers! How would you say “It is what it is”?
comment avez vous trouvé votre sujet de thèse ?
“je suis admis” = “i passed”?
would you ever go back to vous with someone you already started using tu with?
recommendations for asian food in bordeaux?
the word “bakery” in french
ways to say “no shit” “duh” in french?