Am I weird for thinking this real life Barbie Jeep is kind of cool?!
This huge mouser decided to land right by me with his dinner at Belmar Park & Bird Sanctuary...just now.
Colorado's first raptor track!!! ...If you've been wondering what that little entrance to no where was that they've been working on for almost 2 years at the top of Dinosaur Ridge
Me and my little brother about 1975 in Sweden. Likely hypnotized by some American TV cartoon or something. My Mom hand made all our awesome outfits! Notice all the original Ikea brother still has that table that's behind us, it's now in Tokyo and his kids grew up with it too.
My entry for the GenX photo contest: My little brother and I having dinner while Mom and Dad both enjoy a smoke
Some very recent stuff... Just tossing some positivity out there :-)
...Fresh. Aahh yesterday's kill
I think I found another CUD?
Skyrim is helping me deal with grief & trauma
Value request
Did you get to enjoy ABUSE on your Atari?
Where'd the little rats and spiders go?
For those who didn't believe are video clips of the little rats and the little spiders I mentioned - Rat by Ralof's foot, and a spider off to the right by the wall, slowed down for easier viewing
Chase doesn't sell Half Dollar Boxes (Or any coins at all?!)
Would you ever let me finish a damn story?
Golden Nickel
Anyone know what happened to the coin on the right? Came from a fresh roll of quarters from the bank like the one on the left a few years back.
Apparently I'm Lucky Lucky
Is this a 1923 D Vam 2 Double Eagle Head Peace Dollar?
We all had one. Some of us still do.
Hibiscus jerky is easily one of my favorite jerkies of all time
Toner Tuesday... Blue.
Cherrypickers’ Guide?
Any reason for this not being a variety? Or designation?
What’s the name of this “error”?