Ketamine and tapering off antidepressant
Music during sessions
I’m divorcing my husband because of his farts & also everyone thinks I’m the honeycomb wife
Scheduled for Ketamine Infusions soon. Dr said to get a playlist of chill positive music ready during the experience and something to cover my eyes since light might bother me.
Can you walk in a K-hole
Psychologist-curated playlist for ketamine therapy
Best music to listen to during ketamine infusion?
I’m scared Ketamine isn’t the weapon I thought it was
It’s just not working.
How do you do the external ‘work’ like integration/therapy side of things when doing DIY?
People who spit and don't swallow
3g and nothing…
How Psilocybin has saved my life (Long Post warning)
I'm an psychotherapist trainee- just did shrooms twice: 1st) massive mental health improvements, 2nd) met the creator in another dimension
I don’t know what to do anymore and it terrifies me
Giving up on ketamine
1-hr Jon Hopkins Playlist for Ketamine Treatment
Dr. Smith patients and Joyous
My OCD, anxiety and depression is gone thanks to meds!
What’s your fav music on k?
How do people end up taking unusual antidepressants?
Suicidal again. I’m feeling lost.
I’ve done a few ketamine infusions. Curious to know where did your mind take during your session? Also what colors did you see? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
How did you know when it started working?
Grateful for this medicine. Never give up on yourself!