Super horny cat
Σκαμ στο ινσταγκραμ;
Why I'm not interested in intimate scenes of other characters than Claire and Jamie
FATIMA in season 3 is getting sooo annoying
Anyone else have a hard time sharing a pet with your partner?
What’s the biggest physical turnoff in a woman?
Women of reddit, how do your ladybits feel in the cold?"NSFW"
Miranda telling Big he’s crazy to get married - Carries reaction
I know this must have been 1 million times but what’s your opinion on Big?
I just told my husband I want to separate
What's your "scary age" and have you reached it yet?
Genuine question
What is the one smell you like but everyone hates?
It would be awesome to be able to switch off our senses
My kid let my indoor cat outside and she’s gone
Kittens won’t stop dropping massive logs of shit everywhere
Πού αγοράζω εισιτήρια για λεωφορεία πλέον?
I have accepted the fact that I am heading for a sexless marriege.
Numb brain
For those who’ve never been married, what were your reasons for not getting married?
I like older books written in almost poetic language (and war stuff) help me out?
Growing out of OCD because of moving?