Could really use some hope right now
Surgical reconstruction of foreskin?
Is a legal action a possibility?
I hate my cut penis, so depressing
How and When Did You Learn About Circumcision?
Mental implications of forced circumcision?
I wish I was dead
Anti-circumcision protesters on a Monday afternoon.
Activism without organization?
I'm very worried.
In China, young girls' feet were bound tightly in an ancient practice to achieve "lotus feet,"
Anyone here ever support circumcision?
Anyone had success in forgiving their parents?
How do most circumcised men not realize their penis is numb?
Human Trials
My hair fell out, and grew back curly
Give it back
Have you told your family/friends about foregen?
Foregen after foregen?
Is there any mod to make a xenotype whose reproduction results in a different specific xenotype?