New fit! yay or nay
Good fit?
Recital Costume Opinions Needed!
Update! Better fit?
Shank too long?
Foot Tendonitis ??
How to get deeper into tilt/tips for proper hip stacking & alignment in my tilt?
recommendations for better feet/arches??
Is removal possible/worth it for these??
Are either of these fixable?
Can I drink caffeine before my appointment today??
Strawberry Progress🍓
need honest opinions pls!
very happy i was able to snag these 2 while available! so hard to find!
pink week review🎀
picky eater review
dirt cake fan
finally got mallow!☺️(and had to get more red velvet ofc)
they were out of mallow :( but red velvet is sooooo good😍😍😍
🍪 little flavor review :) 🍪
pretty good!
pretty good week!
sweet girls waffles & cupcake🧇🧁
slow-mo boggles🥰
I’m thinking about getting a small animal, but want to make sure whatever I decide to get has the best most bougie life I can give them. I’m wondering what’s easier rodents or reptiles ? What’s do you guys think?