74LS189 Output Flickering
Teknisk Fysik eller Datateknik?
End Grain Cutting Board
First Cutting Board!
Built a coffee table!
I can't believe my eyes
Made more of these just for fun, smaller sized to keep at home. Getting the hang of it!
Darken one side?
Mahogany & Cuttingboards
Hjälp med tisus
Hjälp med ansökning
Crazy Luck
Crazy luck
Ta körkort i USA istället?
Lund och KTH
Best Nations
How good is the JA37C currently?
ZSU-57, yes or no?
Simple things
Att eleverna har fantasi är det i alla fall inget tvivel om
It accepted "de" but how come it wants me to use "det" instead?
Jag fixade kartan i r/europe