fired up for tomorrow
World Maps in Custom Spiral Campaign Settings
Second Dinner now working with Skystone Games
From discord
OTA is live
[Update] I tracked my Variant shop for 2 months, here are the results.
Which one? Banner 2/12 power (68%) or Doom 2099?
Not spending any keys in December so this is me the entire month.
SD community manager on current community sentiment and economy improvements
I tracked my Variant shop for 1 month, here are the results.
Update: I told my new girlfriend that I liked watching pro LoL and that worlds was on. Despite not knowing anything about the game she immediately picked FQ as her team and made her own gear to support them at worlds while we watched.
I told my new girlfriend that I liked watching pro LoL and that worlds was on. Despite not knowing anything about the game she immediately picked FQ as her team and made her own gear to support them at worlds while we watched. 😭
oh no! the 2024 phb has been leaked!
8/20 balance leak
I kinda like the new Loki... What are your thoughts?
r/MarvelSnapComp Alliances Forming Thread
Need help to infinite cl 8800. Stuck 70s
This Season = Not My Best Hour
Do you buy a variant for a card you don’t intend to play?
Most powerful evil character that Kendrick lamar could diss without getting killed?
What's currently harder? Hitting infinity on ladder, or beating infinity conquest?
IMT vs SR - 2024 LCS Summer Split - Week 1 Day 2 Post Game Thread
What’s your most creative deck?
Why isn't Adam Warlock a 1/0?
Anyone here use Kang unironically?