i think i took wayyyy too much lamotragine thinking it was another med and im freaking out
Help me eat less
Are consequences real?
What kind of jobs do you guys have?
Coming to terms with my diagnosis
I wish I wasn’t bipolar
My roommate and I are looking for an apartment for $1800 per month or lower, for June 1st - August 1st.
What are your favorite fast food cheat codes
Wider hips - forever?
Favorite snacks for when you're feeling like mindlessly snacking?
How do you handle "food noise"
How long did it take you to decide to EFF?
4 year old still has a soft spot. Looking for any advice.
Im tired of gaining weight bc of the meds.
What was your first relationship like?
4 year old soft spot
Can't seem to keep any friendships
I’m stressed and confused need advice
I resent my husband
Dark face tattoos