The use of italics in W&T
How do I know what planets are worth checking for exobiology?
VR Options
Just figured out that the daily log indicates which prepper caches are stocked.
Are Cougars supposed to respawn?
Killed my first cougar! It brought up some questions…
Bug doesnt allow me to cook food/Tea anymore. Is there a fix?
Looking for a new science fiction book/series to read.
WIND AND TRUTH | Full Book Discussion Megathread (Stormlight Archive only)
Screw it, would you REALLY live in the Elite galaxy?
I hate how many postings now require active Secret/Top Secret clearance
Blackfrost - Quality of Life Improvments You'd Like to See
ELI5: How do nosebleeds stop so quickly while other wounds take longer?
Iran's plot to assassinate dissident artist in Germany exposed
Rifle racks can be hung vertically, doesn't look too bad if you don't look too carefully
Have some questions about vr and whatnot.
Ever have a death where you knew better?
How do I allow myself to consider "losing is fun" in single-player games like Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Darkest Dungeon, Matchless Kungfu, XCOM, etc.?
First test flight in the Mandalay, setting up the fire groups. I have a feeling something is not quite right...
Bought an extra biotech key, willing to sell it
My cat dislikes the colonists i suppose
FRV vs Physics = F.U.N
Need convincing on the Mandalay
Jeremy Renner Honors His 'ReBirthday' on Second Anniversary of Snowplow Accident and Thanks Those Who Saved His Life