LF and offering in pics. Jigglypuff, Kirlia, and wurmple are costumes. Willing to do multiple for an apex.
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
What’s going on with the raids?
Wb zecrom in 5 minutes. Adding 10! Let’s get this SHUNDO!!
LF armored Mewtwo instant trade. Offering in pics
Offering this. LF offers
Apparently I'm blind.
LF apex ho oh or lugia. Offering in pics
LF apex ho oh and Lugia. Offering in pics
LF and offering in pics. Also open to high cp and 2018 mons. Lmk!
LF gmax tox. Would do 2 for a shiny! Offering in pics.
Maint looking for shiny rockruff offering alot
Shadow Ho-Oh raid 2 locals and weather boosted. Add 652671044005
LF shiny toxel and shiny hisui typhlosion. Offering in pics
Looking for apex mons or shiny toxel. Offering pics
LF shiny toxel. Offering in pics
Worth grading? Never seen this one before but looks pretty cool
Worth grading? Never seen this card before but looks cool
Thinking this one is worth grading. Hope it’s worth some 💸
Good pull? Never seen this card before
Good pull? I need new card cases but the card itself looks perfect to me
LF and offering in pics. Dialga and palkia with special moves
My brother is kind of new to the game and wants friends to send gifts and stuff. 4256 3347 8468
LF and offering pics
Lugia Raid 986921847383