Least retarded Varangian player
Shaolin is ridiculous
Wtf is wrong with this game?
Cold take: BP needs hair.
Thought this was kinda cool
Just got my Conq REP7 Rate My Drip
fuck nuxia and zhanhu
Look at my Lawbringers
Never give up
Do you guys like my fashion
A new Warden has stumbled onto the battlefield
Why can't people play the game normally man
Is it bad that I like afeera as much as I do?
Don’t ever give up. It’s never too late for a comeback.
What’s the better black material
least played hero
This game is shit ngl
Rusty Orochi
don't know why chain on whiff on feintable bashes are still a thing
All you new lawbringers need to die
love when an execution works out like this
Castle Crashers Necromancer Inspired Warden Armor
Fuck lawbringer
Shaman needs its buffs reverted and then nerfed.