My housemate is convinced my glasses are hers
How do you perceive death?
Anyone know what this picrew is?
Send pics of when you first took your new kitty home
AIO to my boyfriend leaving my apartment door open all night
How is this allowed?
AIO for telling my Ex how I felt about him coming to my nan's funeral
AIO getting many very vivid dreams of him cheating on me and be suspicious?
Long time smoker developed anxiety while high
do septums actually hurt
AIO to my fiance sharing videos of us having sex?
Dasher tricked the system by going afk near my house
Checked my receipt after noticing discount after discount to find this... I'm 48.
I did not respond
A newbie curious about how to get few things
Im considering getting a septum piercing
Show me your cats and I’ll do terrible portraits of them on sticky notes at work
I have a slightly odd friendship request
My Family Hates Me Because I Broke Up With My Fiancée Before Our Wedding, But They Don't Know She Cheated On Me.
AITA for stealing the neighbor kids soccer ball
i can't remember
My husband turned into a psychopath for a split second yesterday and I don’t know if I am overreacting.
AITA for breaking a man’s nose because he apparently didn’t know what “Stop”means?
Has anyone actually had any scary experiences in the Australian outback?
I lost my guinea pig very suddenly and im feeling so much painful emotions