Even trade?
Desperately searching for "all good things"- trading for 15stars
Never had a positive pregnancy test
Weirdest thing you’ve done for IVF
How many euploid transfers did it take before one stuck for you?
Early Pregnancy
(TW: Positive Betas) We’re not telling anyone yet, so I need to yell it out into the void…
Cornell experiences in NYC
Anyone go to Cornell for IVF?
Anyone else miss themselves before IVF
Where can I get a ERA/EMMA/ALICE test?
Please talk me off the ledge
How many people give up?
Do I keep taking PIO & Estrogen?
Just for fun what was your craziest/weirdest symptom you associated with possible early pregnancy?
My FET may be ruined
Between upcoming IVF and U.S. Election Day, my anxiety is through the roof
PGT-A testing, class action lawsuit
Going for my FET transfer alone 😔
Thin lining success
7th embryo transfer tomorrow!
Success Stories after multiple failed transfers?
3rd FET transfer today
When did you decide it was time for IVF?