I’m totally fine with a 40k pay cut
What Is Your Preferred Train Station?
H: 10k caps W: AA mod
W: 3x Unyielding mods, 3x Intelligence ** mods, H: 15 leaders per star
H: 600 leaders W: Glowing Turkey
H: 15 leaders each W: These mods
H: leaders W: 3 cav mods
H: Leaders W: 3 strength mods!
H:leaders W: vital mod
H:glowing turkey and white powder jumpsuit W:leader and mod offers
H: caps, thru hikers, light weight, cav, 25 lvc mods W: vamps, explosive mods
W: Bloody x2 & Vats Optimized x2 H: leaders, other mods
H: 2* Mods available W: VATS Enhanced (just 1 please)
H: Enclave aligned auto mod, W: Aligned flamer mod
H: leaders w: fuzzy tokens, maps, intelligence bobbles, endurance bobbles, and explosive bobbles possibly flux bundles excluding violet.
W: Beer Stein Display Case H: 5000 Caps Minimum
W: bulk Nuka nades H: explo bobbles
H: 35k caps W: Forest asylum dress
H: 5 sentinel mods, leaders, etc W: 5 thru hikers, 2 vats opimized
W: Vats Optimised mod H: Other mods for trade or leaders
H: Winterman mask W: 60 leaders
H: leaders W: Futuristic globe plan.
H: caps W: quad mod please
H: 2x sent mods W: 80 leaders
H: Sentinel's X2 W:Leaders or deathclaw mask