Swiftplay has become the perfect mode
camille build
Qiyana prestige
Help for understanding more Jayce
Is camille support still viable?
Anyone know if Prestige T1 Jayce will be buyable in the ME shop in the future?
Need help with my overheating laptop
Thanks Google AI
Viktor's outdated kit problem
We may have lost the Glorious Evolution but lets Embrace the Glorious Impregnation!
RiotPhroxzon on Viktor's balance
Why wasn’t Viktor’s W changed?
Wait VGU is only the model or also the abilities?
What do you think about Viktor’s mask?
Viktor is dead, all hail Viktor!
I created an artwork of Viktor's new icon to get a better understanding of his mask lol
Where to watch worlds (in London) and have a drink
I miss Prowlersclaw
My evolution of drawing Griffith
Why does Qiayna W apply on every abilitie when it says on attacks?
Qiyana buffs incoming
Solo lane Zeri
Top 9 strongest non godhand characters imo. Did I cook?