Who prefers work from home ?
Just got my iPhone 16 Pro
Uk gilts up at a staggering 5.38%
Big 4 Experienced Hire
Finally got a job offer!
One month into a new job and I’ve already quiet quit…
Been offered a new job, but I'm half way through the ACA. What to do?
My parents are reverse-integrating and it's opened my eyes to complaints about South Asian ethnonarcissim
How is it possible that China’s GDP per capita remained the same from 2021 to 2024 when the economy grew and the population shrank??
Kicked out for exam failure with 14/15 completed — how to get a job?
Would a CIA help?
Most hundreds in men's Tests
CR March resit?
At a Big 4 and failed Corporate Reporting three times — what next?
Fired from Big 4 after 3 days
Is this appropriate for a big 4 interview?
Can I get car finance with really bad credit?
Just found out the person who bullied me at school is joining Deloitte as a grad in July
ALT has dropped… how long till Fatty Liver reversed?
What I learned so far about NAFLD.
Anyone feel rich when traveling for work?
How do you finance a new (used) car purchase?
How common is cheating really?
How do I turn my performance around for the next engagement?
I don't understand shit in government 2 weeks in