What is your most wanted music Collab?
Day 2: Best Tyler song that starts with B
How do you feel about the asap rocky case going on?
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
Week 3
What are your top 3 songs, ever
What‘s your favourite song on Wolf? (I‘ll rate 1-10)
Give me a Tyler song and I’ll rate it /10
1700 cards later still can’t play greninja, what deck have you not played?
If you could force tyler to make a music video of a song what would it be
Any ideas for passive algae scoring into the processor?
what’s the best denzel curry song
Which Tyler album should I get next?
Pickle Rick is green? Which song is blue?
We DO judge
Favorite ft on one of tylers songs?
Bordom is orange! Which song is yellow?
What is your favourite debut album ever?
The hardest picture of ye ever?
Deathcamp is red! Which song is orange?
Im bored
what do you guys want to see next from tyler?
What artists would you want to see featured on Don't Be Dumb?
What typa album you wanna see next from curry? What genre and what features do you want on it. Explain it detailed
What should I name my kitten?