Please help, I'm lost [ps5]
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New here, need help
Ahh... Sweet child of Kos...
people who play like this against nobu make me want to rip my hair out
Main sub hates fun so this is going here
Blatantly cheating like this should not be tolerated, let alone rewarded with gear and experience
Me when I finally find the dev that designed afeera:
Eximus spawn is becoming unbereable.
How do you name your loadout slots?
It's morally OK to Main Shame VG players.
Wtf, this is dumb
how the fuck do any of you guys know where any of these places are
The 2xp is bullshit
If you use this skin, thank you.
Hey guys i need a name and a color for my new sub do you have any idea.
It touched my cyclopse
Straight up never seen an honorable centurion
Y'all don't have mains, y'all play the meta
New Lawbringer skin is shit
I finally did it guys
I will leave every match I'm suffering in and I have zero shame about it
I fucking hate LB
Fuck varangian
I am racist against console players