Earbuds without diabolical mind control technology- does it exist?
Earbuds without diabolical mind control technology- does it exist? I don’t care if this comes off as conspiracy theory shite, I’m not taking risks anymore. What do u rec?
Double chin: how to tell if it’s genetic fat deposit or lymph fluid/stiff fascia?
I dissociate when I watch entertainment
When did you know it was time to refer a client on?
Ever Had a Name You’ve Never Heard Before Show Up in Your Mind... and Then It’s Everywhere?
Facebook is listening
Crippling anxiety when people watch me eat :(
What do you think men struggle with most in today's world?
Dream of trying to do something quickly but you’re running late/out of time and none of the things you’re trying to do get done and time is slipping away very fast… big frantic and frustration feelings
You can never know yourself
Why do we crave identity?
Why do I always feel nauseous around my girlfriend?
I keep having the same nightmare since I was a child (currently 27M) that I am in a white room with two black lines which move slowly towards each other until they make contact and everything spirals and slowly turns the room black and someone is screaming.
Ex-conspiracy theorists- what are your stories?
Mean world syndrome
Seeing therapists who have lost their passion makes me so sad
Lukewarm therapist
How to unprogram self loathing and reprogram love and laughter?
How to prevent extreme blushing
Difference between dissociation and detachment?
Entering the transhuman era, what are some things we can do to maintain our connection to source, keep our frequency high and disempower fear based mentalities?
Music that feeds the spirit
The war against your imagination.
Scary dream! Can someone pls interpret?