How do I ask her out?? (And not fumble)
What do you guys think?
New Beatles crocs revealed and I want them
Are the any fender/squire models of the Venus that are on the cheaper side?
Is it possible to put a humbucker on a squire paranormal cyclone?
Guess my number 1 artist
I just fucking smashed my jaguar on the fan
Found this on gumtree claiming to be signed by krist and Dave Do you guys reckon this is real?
Who's the pedo?
Fender mustang kurt cobain signature made in japan 2014
Hypothetically, would I be able to put a telecaster neck on a cyclone body?
My mate (who isn’t into guitar) is trying to sell his year 2000 Indonesian squire Strat how much do you recon we should price it on reverb?
what re-issue has the closest colour scheme to the 1969 blue competition Mustang they are based off of? (headstock doesn’t matter to me too much)
Can I smoke this?
How tall are you guys?
Some Nirvana cds from my collection, what should I get next?
what song do I look like?
Is there a specific song you wish you could listen to again for the first time?
Here’s some wallpapers from the new Spotify canvas on in utero
What was your first cd?
[Graveyard Chucky Has Been Buried Again] Chucky Design Elimination Game - Round 9