Show me some of your polite boi/gorl pics 😊
Personata or Fischer?
New Kissy bodysuit (currency item)
C4 Finally Speaks!!
Fun activities to do with bird?
current everyday makeup b&a
Should I be concerned?
Advice about Food for Cockatiels
The hair quality has gone down in DTI. I am loosing interest in the game because of it
Here is the new set and its cost!
My Kakariki Peach decided to bathe in her water bowl
Kinda sad, but i just want to know
This random kid tried to kidnap my bird 😭
Where are the parents?
What mutation is my cockatiel?
can someone tell me what this means?
Could you guys give me some tips on how to take care of this tiel?
I will draw ur bird (badly)
Mom randomly bought me a Blue Indian ringneck. Advice please
What do you guys do on your birbs birthday?
Getting ready for the spring. It was 80° today here in Fort Worth, worked out here all day.
Does she look normal to you guys?
what should i name my bird?