Consistency as a priority for us Fearful Avoidants?
Do you think these interpratations are accurate???
Apartment Complexes That Work With Poor Credit?
Anyone else having issues with Xfinity dropping?
What grocery stores are open on Christmas?
Crafty Coven/Stitch and B!tch
What is this odd symbol carved into the doorway of my house?
Songs where the singer sounds like they’re in pure distress
What is your 'comfort' band? The band that feels like home for you that you always come back to?
Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation?
Am I overpaying at $900 a month for a bedroom, no kitchen access?
Did Anyone Else’s Hair Fall Out After Leaving?
Found in hallway in shared living space: Sphere in center does not move. Top and bottom covered in paneling, cannot see what is behind it
Australian Metalheads: Do Circle Pits in Australia go Clockwise Instead of Counterclockwise?
Is it possible that he will be the one to leave?
AITA for banning my sister from family parties because of her attitude towards kids?
AITA for refusing to go into Hooters for my brother’s 18th birthday and sitting in the car?
AITA for calling my friend controlling because she said my bf was fetishizing me?