Can someone explain the line to me when Dorothy says to Blanche that she needs to stop borrowing her towels?
In which episode does this sweater appear? Thank you!
"Not all of us are classified by the Navy as a friendly port."
The Girls on my refrigerator
Alma Lindstrom (née Gorkleknabygens, formerly Gorkleknabygenshöffstädlerfeil)
The Dinner table
Black is my favorite color 🖤
And if you threw a party...
Favorite Golden Girls Outfits?
I waved politely over Bobby Jo's shoulder with my foot…
Me every time someone tells me i'll want kids when I'm older.
The New Multi-Cam Sitcom “Mid-Century Modern” will premiere on March 28th on Hulu. Will you be watching ?
Things to see in NYC as an I Love Lucy fan?
What do the Japanese call 69
Thinking of dying it all
Where to get high-res images of the girls?
For a show that is pretty much perfect - do you think there were any missed opportunities?
Let me tell you girls the three most important things I learned about life. Number one, hold fast to your friends. Number two, there's no such thing as security. And number three, don't go see Ishtar.
Please name these pups!
What do you think the show would have been like if Blanche's grandson David moved in with the Girls full time?
I was the only girl in the 5th grade whose boyfriend had a fake ID! 🤮🤮🤮
Look at what my missus found at Joann's!
What does your brain fill in?
For my debut, I give you The Golden Girls intro theme with their respective audio clips.
can you tell the story of blanche in just 5 picture